Repair & FAQ's

Here you will find all the information you need to get the most out of your product.

1. My pressure cleaner does not climb/goes in circles


1. Make sure that the blue reducing disk has not been installed in the quick disconnect.

2. Check that the metal pre-filter is present and not clogged.

3. Make sure that the hose weight adjustment nut is screwed down correctly.

4. Make sure the hoses have been cut as indicated in the instructions.

5. Check that the booster pump is working normally.

6. Check that the wheels are turning between 28 and 34 times per minute.

7. Check that the pivoting connectors are fitted the right way round.

8. Check the orientation of the rear drive jet. (on 11 o’clock)

9. If you own a tiled pool, replace standard tires with tires for tiled surfaces.



2. Hose(s)of my pressure cleaner becomes tangled or coiled


Check swivels and make sure they are spinning freely. Lay the hose out in the sun for 24 hours to eliminate any potential hose memory.



3. My pressure cleaner doesn't back up


Hold the back up valve out of the water and verify that it cycles on and off. A complete cycle takes about three minutes. If it stays on all the time or doesn't come on at all then replace the back up valve.



4. My pressure cleaner is tipping over/floating


Verify the wheel revolutions per minute's are in range. Ensure that the head float is not filled with water. Try running the cleaner without the bag and if it fixes the issue then clean the bag with soap and warm water. This will remove any biofilm/oils that may have accumulated in the bag.



5. My pressure cleaner is running in circles on its side


1. Check the filter bag, if full it can weigh the cleaner down on one side.

2. Remove the head float and shake it. If there is water in the float, order a new one.

3. Check the hose floats to make sure they are spaced evenly.



6. My pressure cleaner doesn't clean entire pool or stays at one end


1. Verify that the feed hose is within 15 cm (further or shorter) than the farthest point of the pool.

2. Check the brass insert on the single side wheel. If it has come loose, replace it.

3. Verify the thrust jet is in the correct position.

4. Check to see if drive chain has disengaged.

5. Ensure the backup valve is cycling.



7. Your robotic cleaner's box is not responding when you press the keys

Disconnect the power supply cable from the mains socket. Wait 10 seconds and reconnect.

Indicator lights are flashing on the robotic cleaner unit

Please check the LED on the control unit:

if it is off, the robotic cleaner is working correctly. If it is flashing, the cleaner is notifying you that checks are required.

If the LED flashes once at one-second intervals: check that the robotic cleaner is connected to the control unit. If needed, follow the procedure to disconnect it and reconnect it.

 If the LED flashes twice at one-second intervals: check that nothing is preventing the brushes and tracks from turning properly (sand, cable, etc.). To do so, lift up the tracks and remove any obstructions.

If the LED flashes 3 times at one-second intervals: check there are no stones or hair in the blade. Clean the filter, if necessary.

Make sure the cleaner is in the water before switching it on.

More settings can be found in the device’s manual.



8. Can a cleaner be used at any water temperature?


Using your cleaner below 12°C can affect the operation of the equipment. Its performance may decrease because the movements will not be performed correctly. For effective cleaning, we recommend that you use your cleaner in water at least 17°C.



9. Ou trouver le numéro de série de mon appareil de nettoyage Polaris ?


Appareils de nettoyage à pression : le numéro de série se trouve à l’arrière, sur la coque de l’appareil.Il se présente sous la forme : Une lettre - des chiffres ( jour-mois-année) - et le numéro de l’appareil. ex : C 122521 049

Appareils de nettoyage électriques : Un sticker se trouve sous le capot ( à coté du bac filtrant). Vous pouvez également le trouver sur le bloc moteur. Il se présente sous la forme :

4 lettres - des chiffres- le mois et l’année et le numéro de l’appareil.

ex BLCA030XXX 0219 001



Where can I find the serial number on my Polaris cleaner?


Pressure cleaners: the serial number is on the back, on the shell of the device. It is in the following format: one letter - numbers (day-month-year) - and the number of the device, e.g. C 122521 049


Electric cleaning devices: a sticker can be found underneath the hood (next to the filter canister). It can also be found on the motor block. It is in the following format:


For more information or in the event of a malfunction, please contact your retailer.